sábado, 9 de maio de 2009

Não me canso...

de ouvir o tema de Christopher Cross que se encontra na coluna da direita do blogue.
Talvez porque gostaria que, quando já não estiver cá, os amigos me recordem da mesma forma que ele recorda a amiga Laura que desapareceu prematuramente.

Aqui fica a letra:

Every once in a whileI'd see her smile
She'd turn my day around
A girl with those eyes
Could stare through the lies
And see what your heart was saying

Think of Laura
but laugh don't cry
I know she'd want it that way,
hey, yeah

When you think of Laura
Laugh don't cry
I know she'd want it that way

A friend of a friend
A friend 'til the end
That's the kind of girl she was
Taken away so young
Taken away without a warning
Think of Laura
but laugh don't cry
I know she'd want it that way,
hey, yeah

When you think of Laura
Laugh don't cry
I know she'd want it that way
I know you and you're here
In every day we live
I know her and well she's here
I can feel her when I sing
Hey, Laura (Laura)
Where are you now
Are you far away from here
I don't think so
I think you're here
Taking our tears away
Think of Laura
but laugh don't cry
I know she'd want it that way,
hey, yeah

When you think of Laura
Well, laugh don't cry
I know she'd want it that way,
hey, yeah
Well, I know she'd want it that way
(Want it that way)
Hey, Laura (Laura)
Hey, Laura
I know she'd want it that way
Hey, Laura (Laura)
Hey, Laura
I know you'd want it that way

Um bom fim-de-semana para todos!

3 comentários:

mjf disse...

É bom ter amigos....para que um dia nos possam recordar assim ;=)


Eu Mesma! disse...

Bom fim semana minha linda :)

NI disse...

mjf, se me recordarem assim, valeu a pena andar por cá.

Eu Mesma, obrigado. Também para ti



Arquivo do blogue

Porque não defendo:guetos, delatores pidescos, fundamentalismos e desobediência civil. Porque defendo o bom senso