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quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2007

"Foto de Jean Charles foi manipulada, diz advogada"

«Publicado em 17.10.2007, às 22h30
Uma foto de Jean Charles de Menezes foi manipulada para sugerir dificuldades policiais na sua identificação, disse nesta quarta-feira (17) uma advogada no tribunal britânico que investiga a morte do brasileiro, após os atentados de julho de 2005 contra a capital inglesa.
Jean Charles de Menezes, 27 anos, foi morto à queima-roupa em uma estação do metrô de Londres (Inglaterra) em julho de 2005, duas semanas após quatro terroristas suicidas matarem 52 pessoas na rede de transportes da capital britânica.
O brasileiro morreu no dia 22 de julho, um dia após uma série de atentados frustrados, quando a polícia o confundiu com o terrorista Hussain Osman.
A polícia metropolitana de Londres está sendo processada por supostas infrações na operação que acabou com a vida do jovem brasileiro.
Os advogados da polícia apresentaram uma fotomontagem com os rostos de Jean Charles e Osman para mostrar sua semelhança, mas a advogada da acusação Clara Montgomery diz que a imagem foi "redimensionada" e que "não apresenta as dimensões corretas".
O assessor forense Michael Jorge disse ao júri que a imagem de Jean Charles de Menezes usada pela polícia parece ter sido modificada para melhorá-la, o que deu a impressão de perda de definição em relação à foto original.
Fonte: Diário do Grande ABC»


«British police accused of manipulating photo of man shot in subway
Last Updated: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:39 PM ET
CBC News
A composite image of a man mistakenly shot by British police and one of the bomb plotters who targeted London's transport system two years ago, "was manipulated so as to mislead," a court heard Wednesday at the Old Bailey.
The composite, produced by London's Metropolitan Police, was meant to show the similarities between the two men and to bolster arguments that police might have had problems distinguishing between the two.
British police officers shot to death an unarmed Brazilian man in the aftermath of the July 2005 subway bombings. Jean-Charles de Menezes, 27, was killed at Stockwell station on July 22, just a day after a second suicide bombing attempt on London's subway system.
While no police officer was charged in the shooting, the Metropolitan Police as a whole has been charged with breaking health and safety laws. The police force denies the charges.
But prosecutor Clare Montgomery told the court that the police composite image had been altered "by either stretching or resizing so the face ceases to have its correct proportions."
Forensics consultant Michael George testified that the police composite appeared to have a "greater definition" than the two images used to produce it, reports the BBC.

He showed the jury an alternative composite in which the two faces had different skin tones and their mouths and noses were not aligned.
The Metropolitan Police composite was compiled using a 2001 identity card photograph of de Menezes and a photo of Hussain Osman taken by police in Rome, where he was arrested.
De Menezes, an electrician who had been in the country for three years, lived in a building that was under surveillance because it was believed to house a suspect wanted in connection with the unsuccessful bombings of July 21.
Just two weeks earlier, near-simultaneous explosions during the morning rush hour killed 52 people as well as the four suicide bombers.
When de Menezes left his apartment, he was believed to be that suspect and subsequently tracked to the station. He ran into a waiting train car, where he was gunned down.
Police told the coroner that de Menezes was shot seven times in the head and once in the shoulder.»

Tribute to Jean Charles de Menezes

Esperemos que haja Justiça para Jean-Charles de Menezes e para a sua família.

The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign:


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